The Doomsday Clock has now been moved to 90 seconds to midnight, and as a result many cities have begun holding exercises to train for emergencies like nuclear war. Above, a group of crisis actors practice for such an event. The run-through took place over 8 hours. They were paid minimum wage for the night. They had a lunch break at 2 a.m. Non-gluten meals were not an option. This photo was taken at 2:15 in the morning.
These men are having an argument. It started out as a discussion, but escalated. It didn't come to blows, but there was some pushing. They were talking about fashion, and whether the correct term to describe one man’s wardrobe (on the left, nearest to the wall) was half-shirt, crop top, or midriffer. No one had heard of, nor liked, the last term, which had been proffered by the man furthest on the right. Shoves ensued. At some point the neologist had to leave the sartorial melee by peeling out on his motorbike.
The man in the middle of the group, one week earlier, received his yellow-belt in hopak-kolo. While waiting in a long line for a Taylor Swift fan-party, he decided to impress his friends with his new skills. Hopak-kolo is a dance from western Ukraine. It has no fixed steps, and is performed in a closed circle, so it was an opportune setting.
Crosswalk paint is made from paint, epoxy, poly urea, thermoplastics, preformed tape, and glass microspheres for anti-skid performance. It lasts 3 years. According to the city of Ann Arbor, there are four types of crosswalks: controlled, uncontrolled, marked and unmarked. There are also many design styles - this one is a “Ladder”.
A long time ago she lived for a time in a foreign city. Even though it was hilly there, she always rode her bike to work. One day it had rained heavily. As she stooped to unlock her bike from the street rack after her long shift, a stranger passing by stopped, leaned over, wiped off her bike seat, and quietly carried on. Many, many years have passed since then, but she thinks of that moment almost weekly. (And especially when, in her heart, it’s raining heavily).
These women just got back from watching a hockey game. Their team won, and is going to the finals. They thought the goalie played really well.
Gianni and Zue fell in love while working on a farm near the mountains. On hot summer days after tending the crops, he loved to lay on his back in the nearby river and let the current take him away. It made him feel connected to everyone who had done the same thing, in rivers all over the world, for millennia. At night, especially in the winter, she loved to gaze at the millions of stars scintillating far above. One night she saw a UFO — it was white-blue, and turned at a right angle before accelerating away... Eventually Gianni and Zue got married and moved to the city. There, in the evenings, he takes long cool baths, letting the faucet run, and she looks up to the slivers of sky between buildings, searching for spaceships.
More vignettes n’ tableaux n’ silhouettes n’ portraits from the 24/7/365/1 photo series “The Window” by K.I.A., at the link HERE
-All art is a lie.
-Some of the above stories were written by ChatGPT
-The above is a lie
K.I.A. art website (weatherworks, the window, recombinant sculptures, genetically modified paintings, and more: